Advanced Chef Integration

Adding Sensors and Effectors

Custom sensors and effectors can be added using an entity.initializer section in the YAML blueprint.

One common pattern is to have sensors which extract information from Ohai. Another common pattern is to install a monitoring agent as part of the run list, configured to talk to a monitoring store, and then to add a sensor feed which reads data from that store.

On the effector side, you can add SSH-based effectors in the usual way. You can also describe additional chef converge targets following the pattern set down in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks, making use of conveniences in ChefSoloTasks and ChefServerTasks, or provide effectors which invoke network API’s of the systems under management (for example to supply the common executeScript effector as on the standard MySqlNode).

Next Steps: Simpifying sensors and effectors, transferring files, and configuring ports

The Brooklyn-Chef integration is work in progress, with a few open issues we’d still like to add. Much of the thinking for this is set forth in the Google document indicated earlier. If you’d like to work with us to implement these, please let us know.


A general schema for the supported YAML is below:

- type: chef:cookbook_name
      cookbook_name: url://for/cookbook.tgz
      dependency1: url://for/dependency1.tgz
    launch_run_list: [ "cookbook_name::start" ]
    launch_attributes: # map of arguments to set in the chef node
    service_name: cookbook_service
    pid_file: /var/run/

If you are interested in exploring the Java code for creating blueprints, start with the TypedToyMySqlEntiyChef class, which essentially does what this tutorial has shown; and then move on to the DynamicToyMySqlEntiyChef which starts to look at more sophisticated constructs. (Familiarity with BASH and basic Java blueprints may be useful at that stage.)