Jenkins Configuration
Jenkins is configured with a set of “jobs”, which can then be executed. A job can be a “matrix” of sub-jobs, for example to target different AMP versions and different cloud providers.
In brief, the Jenkins job will retrieve the blueprint to be tested (e.g. from a Github repo), and make Effector calls to the AMP instance (using the br
CLI tool). The technicalities of how Jenkins jobs are configured and orchestrated will be unimportant to most users. Further details on this are provided in later sections of this guide.
The QA Framework uses the Jenkins DSL plug-in to auto-generate these jobs.
Jenkins Prerequisites
The following Jenkins Plugins are required:
- credentials-binding
- credentials
- custom-tools-plugin
- build-publisher
- job-dsl
- matrix-project
- git
- Git PR Builder
- Config File Provider Plugin
Please note there has been a change in Jeknins 2.x to how parameters are handled see Jenkins Issue #34758.
Add the following java opt: -Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true
Auto-generating Jenkins Jobs
The recommended approach to auto-generate the Jenkins Jobs is based on a Git repo (e.g. containing the list of tests and required scripts), and a “Seed Job” that reads this. We provide a starter pack for you which is available on Github:
To create the Git repo, fork the Github repo
List of Tests
The blueprint to be tested are defined in a JSON file, which references the Git repos that contain the actual blueprints.
Each entry in the tests.json
file will seed a blueprint QA job. For example:
"author": "brooklyncentral",
"name": "brooklyn-tomcat-7-server",
"branch": "master",
"repoName": "brooklyncentral/brooklyn-tomcat-7-server",
"sources" : [""],
"tests" : [""],
"additionalLocations" : {},
"brooklynTags": ["latest", "AMP-3.2.0"],
"locationTags": ["bluebox-london-centos"],
"triggers": ["pr", "nightly"]
The fields are:
Field | Type | Description |
author | String | The author of the repository |
name | String | The name of the repository |
branch | String | The branch to test |
repoName | String | The uri of the repository |
sources | Array | The path to the yaml catalog items (within the repo), to be temporarily added to the AMP target. If this lists multiple .bom files, these will be automatically merged into a single file, which is then added to the target AMP when running the test. |
tests | Array | The path to the yaml test catalog items (within the repo), to be temporarily added to the AMP target |
additionalLocations | Array | Path to yaml catalog items (within the repo) for additional locations to be added |
brooklynTags | Array | The names of the AMP targets to test against. This must match the names used when calling newAmpTarget. |
locationTags | Array | The names of the location targets to test against. This must match the names used when calling newLocationTarget. |
triggers | Array | When to automatically run the test (e.g. “nightly” or “pr”). The “nightly” trigger will mean jobs are run automatically every 24 hours. The “pr” trigger will run when a PR is opened. |
Jenkins Seed Job
Use the Jenkins seed job to auto-generate (or re-generate) all the other jobs.
As mentioned above, Cloudsoft provide an example seed job in the qa-jenkins-seed repo which you can fork.
After doing that you must configure your Jenkins so it can use the seed job successfully. There are three configuration steps:
Global Tool Configuration
In your Jenkins you will need to configure the tools for the seed job to use (if they are not already configured).
- Do this under ‘Manage Jenkins’ –> ‘Global Tool Configuration’.
Tool | Description |
Maven | Name as ‘maven’ and configure to install automatically |
Groovy | Name as ‘groovy’ and configure to install automatically |
Docker | Name as ‘docker’ and configure to install automatically |
Custom Tool | Add ‘brooklyn-cli’ and configure to install automatically (using brooklyn-cli bash command below). Set the Tool Home to ./ |
brooklyn-cli bash command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ ! -f br ]; then
mv brooklyn-client-cli-0.10.0-20161108.1349/linux.386/br ./
rm -rf brooklyn-client-cli-0.10.0-20161108.1349
Configure Jenkins with credentials
You will need to configure the credentials so your Jenkins can access the QA AMP and your repos (where your application blueprints and tests are).
- Do this under ‘Jenkins’ –> ‘Credentials’:
ID | Kind | Description |
github-credentials | Username with password | Git credentials |
amp-qa-credentials | Username with password | AMP QA server credentials |
Add master seed job
In Jenkins, create a new Freestyle project. The Freestyle project should checkout the master branch of this repository using the github-credentials credentials configured above.
- Select the
This project is parameterized
option and add the following:
Parameter Name | Guidance on Default Value | Type |
BK_URI | The URI of the AMP with the QA Entities | String |
BK_SCHEDULER_APP_ID | Add ‘TestScheduler’ | String |
BK_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS | Set the DefaultValue to the use the QA credentials you added above | Credentials |
GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID | Set the DefaultValue to the use the Git credentials you added above | Credentials |
QA_TESTS | The file containing the Jenkins jobs (e.g. tests.json [1]) | String |
[1] A sample tests.json
file is provided in the qa-jenkins-seed repo.
When you run this job, you should see a new job created for each entry and job trigger in the .json file.
Before doing that, please set the remaining configuration on the job:
Source Code Management
- Select
and set theRepository URL
to your cloned repo. Set theCredentials
to use your Git credentials. To just build the master branch, set theBranch Specifier
field to*/master
Build Triggers
- Select
Build when a change is pushed to GitHub
Complete the Process Job DSLs
- Set to
Look on Filesystem
and set the DSL Scripts field toblueprintQA.groovy
- Set the Action for removed jobs to
- Set the Action for removed views to
Adding Blueprint Tests
To add an additional blueprint test (or to modify an existing test, such as changing the target locations):
Modify the
file to add the details of your new test (and/or update existing tests) -
Run the Jenkins seed job (e.g. invoke “Build with Parameters”, using the defaults); alternatively wait 30 minutes for this to happen automatically
Check that your new build job has been added to the Jenkins job list
Kick-off your job, to check that it works
- If you are running Jenkins from the docker container then the launch of Groovy scripts from Jenkins can cause the PID 1 zombie reaping problem. This can be avoided through use of an init script such as dumb init. To add this, install dumb init as described here, then add the init line to the shebang of
#!/usr/bin/dumb-init /bin/bash