
Enrichers provide advanced manipulation of an entity’s sensor values. See below for documentation of the stock enrichers available in Cloudsoft AMP.



Takes a source sensor and modifies it in some way before publishing the result in a new sensor. See below an example using $brooklyn:formatString.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Transformer
    enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.string")
    enricher.targetSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.withBrackets")
    enricher.targetValue: $brooklyn:formatString("[%s]", $brooklyn:attributeWhenReady("urls.tcp.string"))



Use propagator to duplicate one sensor as another, giving the supplied sensor mapping. The other use of Propagator is where you specify a producer (using $brooklyn:entity(...) as below) from which to take sensors; in that mode you can specify propagate as a list of sensors whose names are unchanged, instead of (or in addition to) this map.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Propagator
    enricher.producer: $brooklyn:entity("cluster")
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Propagator
      $brooklyn:sensor("url"): $brooklyn:sensor("org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Attributes", "main.uri")

Custom Aggregating


Aggregates multiple sensor values (usually across a tier, esp. a cluster) and performs a supplied aggregation method to them to return an aggregate figure, e.g. sum, mean, median, etc.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Aggregator
    enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("webapp.reqs.perSec.windowed")
    enricher.targetSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("webapp.reqs.perSec.perNode")
    enricher.aggregating.fromMembers: true
    transformation: average

There are a number of additional configuration keys available for the Aggregators:

Configuration Key Default Description
enricher.transformation.untyped list Specifies a transformation, as a function from a collection to the value, or as a string matching a pre-defined named transformation, such as ‘average’ (for numbers), ‘sum’ (for numbers), ‘isQuorate’ (to compute a quorum), ‘first’ (the first value, or null if empty), or ‘list’ (the default, putting any collection of items into a list)
quorum.check.type   The requirement to be considered quorate – possible values: ‘all’, ‘allAndAtLeastOne’, ‘atLeastOne’, ‘atLeastOneUnlessEmpty’, ‘alwaysHealthy’”, “allAndAtLeastOne” 1 The total size to consider when determining if quorate



Joins a sensor whose output is a list into a single item joined by a separator.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Joiner
    enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.list")
    enricher.targetSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.string")
    uniqueTag: urls.quoted.string

There are a number of additional configuration keys available for the joiner:

Configuration Key Default Description
enricher.joiner.separator , Separator string to insert between each argument
enricher.joiner.keyValueSeparator = Separator string to insert between each key-value pair
enricher.joiner.joinMapEntries false Whether to add map entries as key-value pairs or just use the value
enricher.joiner.quote true Whether to bash-escape each parameter and wrap in double-quotes
enricher.joiner.minimum 0 Minimum number of elements to join; if fewer than this, sets null
enricher.joiner.maximum null Maximum number of elements to join (null means all elements taken)

Delta Enricher


Converts an absolute sensor into a delta sensor (i.e. the difference between the current and previous value)

Time-weighted Delta


Converts absolute sensor values into a difference over time. The indicates the measurement interval.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.YamlTimeWeightedDeltaEnricher
    enricher.sourceSensor: reqs.count
    enricher.targetSensor: reqs.per_sec 1s

Rolling Mean


Transforms a sensor into a rolling average based on a fixed window size. This is useful for smoothing sample type metrics, such as latency or CPU time

Rolling Time-window Mean


Transforms a sensor’s data into a rolling average based on a time window. This time window can be specified with the config key confidenceRequired - Minimum confidence level (ie period covered) required to publish a rolling average (default 8d).

Http Latency Detector


An Enricher which computes latency in accessing a URL, normally by periodically polling that URL. This is then published in the sensors web.request.latency.last and web.request.latency.windowed.

There are a number of additional configuration keys available for the Http Latency Detector:

Configuration Key Default Description
latencyDetector.url   The URL to compute the latency of
latencyDetector.urlSensor   A sensor containing the URL to compute the latency of
latencyDetector.urlPostProcessing   Function applied to the urlSensor value, to determine the URL to use
latencyDetector.rollup   The window size (in duration) over which to compute
latencyDetector.requireServiceUp false Require the service is up
latencyDetector.period 1s The period of polling



Can be used to combine the values of sensors. This enricher should be instantiated using Enrichers.builder().combining(..). This enricher is only available in Java blueprints and cannot be used in YAML.

Note On Enricher Producers

If an entity needs an enricher whose source sensor (enricher.sourceSensor) belongs to another entity, then the enricher configuration must include an enricher.producer key referring to the other entity.

For example, if we consider the Transfomer from above, suppose that enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.list") is actually a sensor on a different entity called load.balancer. In this case, we would need to supply an enricher.producer value.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Transformer
    enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.string")
    enricher.targetSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("urls.tcp.withBrackets")
    enricher.targetValue: $brooklyn:formatString("[%s]", $brooklyn:attributeWhenReady("urls.tcp.string"))

It is important to note that the value supplied to enricher.producer must be immediately resolvable. While it would be valid DSL syntax to write:

enricher.producer: brooklyn:entity($brooklyn:attributeWhenReady("load.balancer.entity"))

(assuming the load.balancer.entity sensor returns an AMP entity), this will not function properly because enricher.producer will unsuccessfully attempt to get the supplied entity immediately.