Blueprint Test Entities

Structural Test Entities


The TestCase entity acts as a container for a list of child entities which are started sequentially.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestCase
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestSensor

This can be used to enforce a strict ordering, for example ensuring a sensor has a certain value before attempting to invoke an effector.

Timeouts on child entities should be set relative to the completion of the preceding entity.

The ParallelTestCase entity can be added as a child to run a subset of entities in parallel as a single step.


  • on.error.spec - Spec of entity to instantiate (and start, if startable) if the test-case fails
  • on.finally.spec - Spec of entity to instantiate (and start, if startable) after a test-case either passes or fails
  • continueOnFailure - Whether to continue executing subsequent children if an earlier child fails


The ParallelTestCase entity acts as a container for a list of child entities which are started in parallel.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.ParallelTestCase
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster

This can be used to run a subset of entities in parallel as a single step when nested under a TestCase entity.

Timeouts on child entities should be set relative to the start of the ParallelTestCase.


The LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase entity is configured with a target group and a test specification. For each member of the targeted group, the test case will create a TargetableTestComponent entity from the supplied test specification and set the components target to be the group member.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase
    target: $brooklyn:entity("infrastructure").component("child", "DockerHosts")
        type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestSensor


  • target - group who’s members are to be tested, specified via DSL. For example, $brooklyn:entity("tomcat"). See also the targetId parameter.
  • targetId - alternative to the target parameter which wraps the DSL component lookup requiring only the id be supplied. For example, tomcat. Please note, this must point to a group.
  • test.spec - The TargetableTestComponent to create for each child.


The InfrastructureDeploymentTestCase will first create and deploy an infrastructure from the infrastructure.deployment.spec config. It will then retrieve a deployment location by getting the value of the infrastructures infrastructure.deployment.location.sensor sensor. It will then create and deploy all entities from the infrastructure.deployment.spec config to the deployment location.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.InfrastructureDeploymentTestCase
    infrastructure.deployment.location.sensor: entity.dynamicLocation
        - type: docker-cloud-calico
      - $brooklyn:entitySpec:


  • infrastructure.deployment.spec - the infrastructure to be deployed.
  • infrastructure.deployment.entity.specs - the entities to be deployed to the infrastructure
  • infrastructure.deployment.location.sensor - the name of the sensor on the infrastructure to retrieve the deployment location

Validation Test Entities


The TestSensor entity performs an assertion on a specified sensors value.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestSensor
  name: Check tomcat isUp
    target: $brooklyn:entity("tomcat")
    sensor: service.isUp
    timeout: 10m
    - equals: true


  • target - entity whose sensor will be tested, specified via DSL. For example, $brooklyn:entity("tomcat"). See also the targetId parameter.
  • targetId - alternative to the target parameter which wraps the DSL component lookup requiring only the id be supplied. For example, tomcat.
  • sensor - sensor to evaluate. For example service.isUp.
  • timeout - duration to wait on assertion to return a result. For example 10s, 10m, etc
  • assert - assertion to perform on the specified sensor value. See section on assertions below.
Tip: If the TestSensor is wrapped within a TestCase, ParallelTestCase or LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase that set the target, you don't need to specify the target, unless you want to test a different entity.


The TestEffector entity invokes the specified effector on a target entity. If the result of the effector is a String, it will then perform assertions on the result.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestEffector
  name: Invoke Deploy Effector
    target: $brooklyn:entity("tomcat")
    effector: deploy
    timeout: 5m
      targetName: newcontext


  • target - entity whose effector will be invoked, specified via DSL. For example, $brooklyn:entity("tomcat"). See also the targetId parameter.
  • targetId - alternative to the target parameter which wraps the DSL component lookup requiring only the id be supplied. For example, tomcat.
  • timeout - duration to wait on the effector task to complete. For example 10s, 10m, etc
  • effector - effector to invoke, for example deploy.
  • params - parameters to pass to the effector, these will depend on the entity and effector being tested. The example above shows the url and targetName parameters being passed to Tomcats deploy effector.
  • assert - assertion to perform on the returned result. See section on assertions below.
Tip: If the TestEffector is wrapped within a TestCase, ParallelTestCase or LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase that set the target, you don't need to specify the target, unless you want to test a different entity.


The TestHttpCall entity performs a HTTP GET on the specified URL and performs an assertion on the response.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestHttpCall
  name: Check HTTP Response Status Code
    url: $brooklyn:entity("tomcat").attributeWhenReady("webapp.url")
    timeout: 60s
    applyAssertionTo: status
    - isEqualTo: 200


  • url - URL to perform GET request on, this can use DSL for example $brooklyn:entity("tomcat").attributeWhenReady("webapp.url").
  • timeout - duration to wait on a HTTP response. For example 10s, 10m, etc
  • applyAssertionTo - The filed to apply the assertion to. For example status, body
  • assert - assertion to perform on the response. See section on assertions below.
Tip: If the TestHttpCall is wrapped within a TestCase, ParallelTestCase or LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase that set the target, you don't need to specify the target, unless you want to test a different entity.


The TestSshCommand runs a command on the host of the target entity. The script is expected not to run indefinitely, but to return a result (process exit code), along with its standard out and error streams, which can then be tested using assertions. If no assertions are explicitly configured, the default is to assert a non-zero exit code.

Either a bash command may be provided in the YAML, or a URL for a script which will be executed.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestCase
  name: testcase1
    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat.TomcatServer
      id: testprocess

    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestSshCommand
      name: Check tomcat process running with ps
        targetId: testprocess
        command: ps -ef
          equals: 0
          contains: tomcat
          isEmpty: true

    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.test.framework.TestSshCommand
      name: Check hello world script
        targetId: testprocess
          equals: 0
          equals: hello world
          isEmpty: true


  • command - The shell command to execute. (This and downloadUrl are mutually exclusive.)
  • downloadUrl - URL for a script to download and execute. (This and command are mutually exclusive.)
  • shell.env - Map of environment variables to be set.
  • scriptDir - if downloadUrl is used. The directory on the target host where downloaded scripts should be copied to.
  • runDir - the working directory where the command or script will be executed on the target host.
  • assertStatus - Assertions on the exit code of the command or script. See section on assertions below.
  • assertOut - Assertions on the standard output of the command as a String.
  • assertErr - Assertions on the standard error of the command as a String.
Tip: If the TestSshCommand is wrapped within a TestCase, ParallelTestCase or LoopOverGroupMembersTestCase that set the target, you don't need to specify the target, unless you want to test a different entity.


The following conditions are provided by those test entities above that include assertions

  • isNull - asserts that the actual value is null.
  • notNull - asserts that the actual value is NOT null.
  • isEqualTo - asserts that the actual value equals an expected value.
  • equalTo - a synonym for isEqualTo
  • equals - a synonym for isEqualTo
  • notEqual - asserts that the actual value does not equal the expected value.
  • matches - asserts that the actual value matches a regex pattern, for example ".*hello.*". Note that regular expressions follow the Java defaults, e.g. for line terminators. One can use "(?m)" for multi-line mode (so that ^ and $ also match just after/before line terminators, rather than just the start/end of the entire input sequence). The dotall mode, set with "(?s)", can also be useful (so that . matches any character, including line terminators).
  • containsMatch - asserts that the value contains a string that matches a regex. It follow the behaviour of the Matcher.find() method. This can be useful for simplifying matching in multi-line input.
  • contains - asserts that the actual value contains the supplied value
  • isEmpty - asserts that the actual value is an empty string
  • notEmpty - asserts that the actual value is a non empty string
  • hasTruthValue - asserts that the actual value has the expected interpretation as a boolean
  • greaterThan - asserts that the actual value is greater than the expected value according to Java’s Comparable interface. Actual and expected must be instances of the same type and implement Comparable.
  • lessThan - asserts that the actual value is less than the expected value according to Java’s Comparable interface. Actual and expected must be instances of the same type and implement Comparable.

Assertions may be provided as a simple map:

  contains: 2 users
  matches: .*[\d]* days.*

If there is the need to make multiple assertions with the same key, the assertions can be specified as a list of such maps:

 - contains: 2 users
 - contains: 2 days