Creating Blueprints with Salt

To write a blueprint to use Salt with AMP it will help to have a degree of familiarity with Salt itself. In the sections below, when the AMP configuration is described, the underlying Salt operation is also noted briefly, for clarity for readers who know Salt.

To manage a node with Salt, create a blueprint containing a service of type and define the formulas and start_states For example:

name: Salt Example setting up Apache httpd
location: my-cloud
- id: httpd-from-salt
  - apache

This example specifies that AMP should use Salt to download the apache-formula from the Saltstack repository on Github. The apache formula contains the Apache web server with a simple “it worked” style index page. To start the entity, AMP will use Salt to apply the apache state, which will bring up the web server.

A typical usage of the Salt entity might be to include a formula from the Saltstack repository, such as apache above, and another formula created by the blueprint author, with additional states, such as web site content for the apache server.

Start States

The start_states configuration key defines the top level list of states that will be applied using Salt. These values are added to the Salt top.sls file and applied using state.apply. This configuration key is mandatory.

Stop States

The stop_states configuration key is used to specify states that should be applied when the ‘stop’ effector is invoked on the entity. For example, the Saltstack mysql formula supplies a state mysql.disabled that will shut down the database server.

If the Saltstack formula does not supply a suitable stop state, the blueprint author can create a suitable state and include it in an additional formula to be supplied in the formulas section.

The stop_states configuration key is optional; if it is not provided, AMP assumes that each state S in the start_states will have a matching S.stop state.
If any S does not have such a state, the stop effector will fail stopping processes. Note that on a machine created for this entity, AMP’s default behaviour may be to proceed to destroy the VM, so stop states are not always needed unless there is a cleaner shutdown process or you are using long-running servers.

Restart States

For completeness, AMP also provides a restart_states configuration key. These states are applied by the restart effector, and blueprint authors may choose to provide custom states to implement restart if that is applicable for their application.

This key is again optional. If not supplied, AMP will go through each of the states S in start_states looking for a matching S.restart state defined in the formulas. If all exist, these will be applied by the restart effector. If none exist, AMP will invoke the stop and then start effectors – so restart states are not required for AMP to use Salt. (If some but not all have matching restart states, AMP will fail the restart, on the assumption that the configuration is incomplete.)


The formulas key provides the URLs for archives containing the Salt formulas that defined the required states. These archives are downloaded to the /srv/formula directory on the minion and added to the state filesystem roots configuration in Salt’s minion config, so that their states are available for a state.apply.

Pillar Configuration

A typical Salt deployment will include both states (provided via Salt formulas) and configuration data, provided through Salt’s “Pillar” component. AMP provides configuration keys for the Salt entity to specify where to get the Pillar configuration data. For example:

name: Salt Example setting up MySQL with a Pillar
location: my-cloud
- id: mysql-from-salt-with-my-pillar

  - http://myhost:8080/my-mysql-formula.tar.gz

  - mysql
  - mysql.disabled

  - mysql
  - http://myhost:8080/my-mysql-pillar.tar.gz

This blueprint contains the MySQL database, and includes a formula available from myhost which includes the schema information for the DB. The MySQL formula from Saltstack has extensive configurability through Salt Pillars. In the blueprint above, AMP is instructed to apply the pillars defined in the pillars configuration key. (This will add these values to the Salt Pillars top.sls file.) The pillar data must be downloaded; for this, the pillarUrls key provides the address of an archive containing the Pillar data. The contents of the archive will be extracted and put in the /srv/pillar directory on the minion, in order to be available to Salt when applying the pillar. For example, the archive above can simply have the structure

+- mysql/
   +- init.sls

The init.sls contains the pillar configuration values, such as

# Manage databases
  - orders
    load: True
    source: salt://mysql/files/orders.schema

Meanwhile the my-mysql-formula.tar.gz formula archive contains the schema:

+- mysql/
   +- files/
      +- orders.schema

Note that the blueprint above defines an id for the Salt entity. This id, if provided, is set as the minion id in the Salt configuration file. This is useful particularly for Pillar configuration, as, if there are more than one Salt managed nodes in the application, they can share a common Pillar file, with appropriate subdivisions of pillar data based on minion id.

Highstate Sensors

The Salt entity exposes the Salt “highstate” on the node via AMP sensors. Firstly a single sensor salt.states contains a list of all the top level Salt state ID declarations in the highstate. For example, for the mysql case above, this might look like:

["mysql_additional_config", "mysql_config", "mysql_db_0", "mysql_db_0_load", "mysql_db_0_schema", "mysql_debconf",
 "mysql_debconf_utils", "mysql_python", "mysql_user_frank_localhost", "mysql_user_frank_localhost_0", 
 "mysql_user_nopassuser_localhost", "mysqld"]

Then, for each ID and each Salt state function in that ID, an AMP sensor is created, containing a map of the data from the highstate. For example, the salt.state.mysqld.service.running sensor would have a value like:

{"name":"mysql", "enable":true, "watch":[{"pkg":"mysqld"}, {"file":"mysql_config"}], "order":10005}

saltCall Effector

The Salt entity includes a general purpose Salt effector, saltCall, which permits execution of Salt commands via salt-call --local. It contains a single parameter, spec, which specifies the command to invoke. For example, invoking the effector with a spec value of network.interfaces --out=yaml would return a YAML formatted map of the network interfaces on the minion.