Applications written in YAML can similarly be written in Java. However, the YAML approach is
Define your Application Blueprint
The example below creates a three tier web service, composed of an Nginx load-balancer,
a cluster of Tomcat app-servers, and a MySQL database. It is similar to the
YAML policies example, but also includes the MySQL database
to demonstrate the use of dependent configuration.
To describe each part of this:
The application extends AbstractApplication.
It implements init(), to add its child entities. The init method is called only once, when
instantiating the entity instance.
The addChild method takes an EntitySpec. This describes the entity to be created, defining
its type and its configuration.
The brooklyn.example.db.url is a system property that will be passed to each TomcatServer
instance. Its value is the database’s URL (discussed below).
The policies and enrichers provide in-life management of the application, to restart failed
instances and to replace those components that repeatedly fail.
The NginxController is the load-balancer and reverse-proxy: by default, it round-robins to
the ip:port of each member of the cluster configured as the SERVER_POOL.
Dependent Configuration
Often a component of an application will depend on another component, where the dependency
information is only available at runtime (e.g. it requires the IP of a dynamically provisioned
component). For example, the app-servers in the example above require the database URL to be
The “DependentConfiguration” methods returns a future (or a “promise” in the language of
some other programming languages): when the value is needed, the caller will block to wait for
the future to resolve. It will block only “at the last moment” when the value is needed (e.g.
after the VMs have been provisioned and the software is installed, thus optimising the
provisioning time). It will automatically monitor the given entity’s sensor, and generate the
value when the sensor is populated.
The attributeWhenReady is used to generate a configuration value that depends on the dynamic
sensor value of another entity - in the example above, it will not be available until that
MySqlNode.DATASTORE_URL sensor is populated. At that point, the JDBC URL will be constructed
(as defined in the formatString method, which also returns a future).